Dur Dev
2008-12-29 19:52:38 UTC
I need to do typed range queries on record ids and dates. When I call
Ferret::Search::TypedRangeQuery I get the error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Ferret::Search::TypedRangeQuery
Is TypedRangeQuery supported in AAF? I am using Ferret gem 0.11.6 and
AAF 0.4.3. If its not supported, is there any other way of accomplishing
a typed range query? I tried using a RangeQuery and setting the
following in the model:
acts_as_ferret :fields => { :id_sort => { :index => :untokenized },
:updated_at_sort => { :index => :untokenized }, ...}, :ferret => {
:use_typed_range_query => true }
...but this didn't work either. The search results indicate ferret is
treating the ids as strings. It seem to do the correct thing with date
ranges however.
Ferret::Search::TypedRangeQuery I get the error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Ferret::Search::TypedRangeQuery
Is TypedRangeQuery supported in AAF? I am using Ferret gem 0.11.6 and
AAF 0.4.3. If its not supported, is there any other way of accomplishing
a typed range query? I tried using a RangeQuery and setting the
following in the model:
acts_as_ferret :fields => { :id_sort => { :index => :untokenized },
:updated_at_sort => { :index => :untokenized }, ...}, :ferret => {
:use_typed_range_query => true }
...but this didn't work either. The search results indicate ferret is
treating the ids as strings. It seem to do the correct thing with date
ranges however.
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