acts_as_ferret and indexes created with ferret
Lyes Amazouz
2008-10-16 14:01:04 UTC
Hello List!

I've have created an index using a Rerret based application, and may aim is
to create a Ruby Rails Web application that will allows to search using my

I tried yo use the acts_as_ferret plugin for Rails, but when I have read the
tutorials, it seemed to mes that acts_as_ferret allows only to index the
Ruby Rails web application data stired in it's data base, and helps to
operate researches using the created index.

But I really wonder if acts_as_ferret may allow to load an external already
created index (Like the index I've created with my application) in order to
use the acts_as_ferret technology to make researches on it and display the
results using a Ruby Rails application!

Is this possible, if not, have any one any idea!

thank you!
| Lyes Amazouz
| USTHB, Algiers
Jens Krämer
2008-10-16 14:13:33 UTC
Post by Lyes Amazouz
I've have created an index using a Rerret based application, and may
aim is to create a Ruby Rails Web application that will allows to
search using my index!
I tried yo use the acts_as_ferret plugin for Rails, but when I have
read the tutorials, it seemed to mes that acts_as_ferret allows only
to index the Ruby Rails web application data stired in it's data
base, and helps to operate researches using the created index.
But I really wonder if acts_as_ferret may allow to load an external
already created index (Like the index I've created with my
application) in order to use the acts_as_ferret technology to make
researches on it and display the results using a Ruby Rails
Is this possible, if not, have any one any idea!
If you don't plan to modify the ferret index from inside your Rails
application, the easiest way is to use Ferret's API directly for
querying your index. Acts_as_ferret won't be of much help in your
case, since it's focus is to keep an index in sync with a database
that is accessed via active record.


Jens Krämer
webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
Schnorrstraße 76 | 01069 Dresden
Telefon +49351467660 | Telefax +493514676666
kraemer-jv+***@public.gmane.org | www.webit.de

Amtsgericht Dresden | HRB 15422
GF Sven Haubold
Lyes Amazouz
2008-10-16 14:31:42 UTC
Post by Jens Krämer
Post by Lyes Amazouz
I've have created an index using a Rerret based application, and may aim
is to create a Ruby Rails Web application that will allows to search using
my index!
I tried yo use the acts_as_ferret plugin for Rails, but when I have read
the tutorials, it seemed to mes that acts_as_ferret allows only to index the
Ruby Rails web application data stired in it's data base, and helps to
operate researches using the created index.
But I really wonder if acts_as_ferret may allow to load an external
already created index (Like the index I've created with my application) in
order to use the acts_as_ferret technology to make researches on it and
display the results using a Ruby Rails application!
Is this possible, if not, have any one any idea!
If you don't plan to modify the ferret index from inside your Rails
application, the easiest way is to use Ferret's API directly for querying
your index. Acts_as_ferret won't be of much help in your case, since it's
focus is to keep an index in sync with a database that is accessed via
active record.
Hello Jens!

Thank you for your reply, now it is more clear for me!

But is there some to use the acts_as_ferret features (Like paginating and
Highlighting) when I will display the results of my researche!

for example, When I make a search on my index with ferret API, is it
possible that I give acts_as_ferret the resulting topDocs object or the list
of the hits to acts_as_ferret in such way that in the web page, this list
will be paginated and the key words higlighted!

Post by Jens Krämer
Jens Krämer
webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
Schnorrstraße 76 | 01069 Dresden
Telefon +49351467660 | Telefax +493514676666
Amtsgericht Dresden | HRB 15422
GF Sven Haubold
Ferret-talk mailing list
| Lyes Amazouz
| USTHB, Algiers