List of terms matched by a query (and their position/offset)
Jens Krämer
2008-10-28 19:03:03 UTC

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I have some xml that represents a document. I parse the xml and place
specific parts (like the title) into the appropriate fields in my
document. The xml contains the normal document elements like a title,
body etc. It also contains illustrations, of which there may be 0 or
many for a given document. Each illustration also has a title and
caption text.
I'm struggling to figure out how to index this data, since there are
many documents in my xml dataset and each document may have a random
number of illustrations. Therefore, I can't just add several fields to
my index like illustration1, illustration2, etc.
Instead, the only way I can think to do it is grab all of the
illustration / caption text for a given document and glob it together
into one field, :illustration.
This will work fine, searches will match terms in that field. The
problem comes when wanting to distinguish which illustration the term
belonged to.
the answer is simple - whatever is the smallest unit you want to get as
a search result is what you have to index. So if you want to find out
which illustration a query matches you'll have to index each
illustration as a separate document (in the Ferret sense of the word).

You should then index the document's id along with each illustration,
and maybe even shared information like the document title. Or build a
separate index for global document data to avoid that redundancy.
however then you would have to run each query twice - against the
document index, and against the illustrations index. trade off between
indexing speed (2 indexes and therefore no indexing of redundant
information means faster indexing) versus search speed (searching once
vs. searching twice for each user query)...

Does that sound like it might work?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Karl Meisterheim
2008-10-31 14:59:58 UTC
Hi Jens,

Thanks for the reply.

What you say makes sense, but I'm hoping for a simpler implementation.
I guess it boils down to this:
When I conduct a search in ferret / AAF, I get an array of documents
back. Somehow, the highlight method knows where the terms that were
matched by the search exist in those documents / field. Is there
anyway that I can get that information? I looked through the API and
even the source and unfortunately, couldn't quite grok how it was

This will allow me to do the following, I can chunk together several
distinct pieces of information into one field for the purpose of
indexing. Then, if I know which terms were matched and their position
in the field, I can use that information to figure out which piece of
information in that single field it came from.

For example, if my document has six figures, I take the caption text
of those six figures and concatenate them all together and index them
in one field, captions. Then, when the document comes back as a
match, if I knew that the term "empire" matched whatever search query
was used, and that the offset was 100 in my captions field, I could
piece together which of the original illustrations it belongs to.
Again, this is all necessary because I don't know in advance how many
figures a given document may contain.

I know this sounds overly complicated, but I think it's easier than
creating a new model, a separate index and then having to search
multiple times etc.

Does this make sense, or am I going at this completely wrong?

Thank you,

